Numbering Resources

N11 Codes

N11 codes are used to provide three-digit dialing access to special services.

In the U.S., the FCC administers N11 codes. The FCC recognizes 211, 311, 511, 711, 811 and 911 as nationally assigned, but has not disturbed other traditional uses. The table below summarizes N11 assignments, reservations, and traditional usage.

In some states, N11 codes that are not assigned nationally may be assigned locally, provided that these local assignments can be withdrawn promptly if a national assignment is made.

There are no industry guidelines for the assignment of N11 codes.

211 Community Information and Referral Services
311 Non-Emergency Police and Other Governmental Services
411 Local Directory Assistance
511 Traffic and Transportation Information (US); Provision of Weather and Traveller Information Services (Canada)
611 Repair Service
711 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)
811 Access to One Call Services to Protect Pipeline and Utilities from Excavation Damage (US); Non-Urgent Health Teletriage Services (Canada)
911 Emergency

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